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Why Praesidium

Transforming the way organizations approach sexual abuse prevention.

When Praesidium started more than 30 years ago, little was known about sexual abuse in organizations and what could be done to stop it. Working with a group of researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington, Praesidium assembled and analyzed the scant research available at the time and supplemented it with emerging legal precedents to see what could be done to prevent abuse from occurring within organizations.

Knowledge is power in abuse prevention. 

We understand how offenders operate and how sexualized behaviors occur. We also understand the characteristics of those most at risk, what types of programs and activities present the highest risk, and where and under what circumstances incidents are most likely to occur. 

Armed with the knowledge gained from working with thousands of organizations, we have built a comprehensive suite of products and services that allows your organization to assess potential risk areas in your programs and implement best practices in each of the eight operations from the Praesidium Safety Equation®. 

An organization can only protect those it serves by implementing effective preventative measures. It is our mission to help you achieve just that, through three key areas of sexual abuse prevention. 


  • Assess: Evaluate where, and to what extent, an organization has opportunities to strengthen its abuse risk management efforts. 
  • Prevent: Abuse is preventable but it requires a comprehensive risk management framework and a culture of safety to ensure ongoing protection. 
  • Respond: How an organization responds to reports of suspicious or inappropriate interactions, policy violations, or suspected abuse can dramatically affect the harm to the individual and to the organization. 

Learn more about assessing your risk.
